The Journal of Local Governments of Nigeria (JOUNALGON) hereby extends an open ended invitation for papers and Journal articles from interested researchers and contributors from all fields related to Local Government Administration, Management, and Sustainable Development. Articles must be tailored towards Development of Grassroots’ Governance and community development with the following editorial priorities and topics:
Language: The language of the Journal is English Language. Authors are allowed to use either the British English or American English Version throughout the paper without any mix up
Document format: Text submitted as WORD file (not PDF format).
Illustrations: Please present your illustrations clearly and in publishable form. Complicated illustrations should be in JPEG format. All illustrations and photos require short captions.
Abstract: 180-250 words, Times New Romans, 11pt, italics, no spacing
Subheadings: One or two levels only
Level 1: Arial 12pt Bold
Level 2: Arial 11pt, bold, italics, without capitals
Tables: Arial 9pt, single line spacing. Both tables and figures must be mentioned explicitly and numerical order in the body text.
Spelling: American English/British English – e.g.: ‘isation’ or ‘ization’, provided both are not mixed in a paper.
Grammar: Please make sure that spellings and grammar are correct in your submission, and use the spell-check in WORD. The editorial team CANNOT ACCEPT submissions where major language corrections are required.
Capitals: Lower case is used when the name is not specified e.g.: “the council” or “local governments”, but upper case is required when referring to a specific organization, e.g.: “Wamachonga Council”. Please be consistent!
Non-English Words: Non-English words should be in italics the first time they are used with a translation brackets, e.g.: odumodu. Thereafter they should be in normal text.
Acronyms: Acronyms should be spelt out in the body text the first time they are used e.g.: TCA (The Capital Assembly)
Numbers from one to ten should be spelled out in body text unless they are paired with a mathematical symbol (e.g. 6 + 2) or abbreviation (6 km). Decimals appearing in tables and text should have leading zeros (e.g. 0.8). Use % not ‘per cent’ with numbers. Usually numbers used in text would be up to one decimal place.
Quoted text:
All direct quotes from secondary sources should be in italics, with appropriate referencing including page number/s.
If the quotation is short, enclose the text in double quote marks and integrate with body text.
Longer quotations of three lines and over should be separated from the body text and placed as a block quote indented 1 cm either side in italics in single line spacing. Block quotes should not be enclosed within double quote marks. All interview excerpts of more than one sentence should be displayed as a block quote. If material is quoted within a quote, single quote marks should be used for the embedded quote.
Reference list:
Authors must be listed in alphabetical order, by surname followed by initial/s. All titles of sources or names of organisations written in a language other than English should be translated into English in brackets following each entry in its original language. All available DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) should be provided for each source.
(example) Brown, A. (ed) (2009) Contested space: Street trading, public space and livelihoods in developing Countries. Rugby: DUMIK Publishing.
For a chapter in a book
(example) Amis, P. (2004) Regulating the informal sector: Voice and bad governance. In: Devas, N. with Amis, P., Beall, J., Grant, U., Mitlin, D., Nunan, F. and Rakodi, C. (2004) Urban governance, voice and poverty in the developing world. London: Earthscan, pp. 145–163.
For journal articles (see example):
Brown, A. (2012) The right to the city: road to Rio 2010. International Journal of Urban & Regional Research, 37 (3): 957–971.
For webpages or on-line reports (see example):
Brown, A. and Kristiansen, A. (2008) Urban policies and the right to the city: rights, responsibilities and citizenship. Paris: UNESCO, UN-Habitat. Available at: [Accessed 26 January 2013].
Please do not include weblinks in the body of the text. Please be careful that you are familiar with current practice on citation and avoiding plagiarism. Plagiarism includes the use or ideas or direct quotation of material from another source without adequate acknowledgement.
The following websites are useful guides to correct citation and avoiding plagiarism:
Ethics of Publication – (Anti-Plagiarism)
Journal of Local Governments of Nigeria (JOURNALGON) has zero tolerance for Plagiarism. We intellectual property rights in all ramifications. The anti-plagiarism policy strictly ensures that all articles submitted and published were thoroughly checked with one of the most potent anti-plagiarism software. Authors found guilty of plagiarism will be informed with official letter and evidence, with a life ban penalty
The first step in Publishing with the Journal of Local Governments of Nigeria (JOURNALGON) is by submitting a 180 – 250 abstract or summary of the contributor’s paper by using the submission FORM below.
The first step in Publishing with the Journal of Local Governments of Nigeria (JOURNALGON) is by submitting a 180 – 250 abstract or summary of the contributor’s paper by using the submission FORM below.